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Welcome to my site! I'm very new to anything coding related, so progress on here is going to be slow at best. I like cats, bouldering, and long Youtube videos about niche information. I am a current college student, aiming for a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Spanish. This site may be used to house digitized versions of my journal entries, or for something else entirely. I'll have to see.
What's New? Site Last Updated On:
12/02/2025: After a monumentally terrible day I took some time for myself and...updated my links and deleted the blog that I never use. Isn't life just gorgeous? Maybe sometime this year I'll get around to gridding my blinkies (read: copy and pasting code from my grid template onto my blinkies page). When I put it that way it seems so simple but I want to assure you that it is ridiculously tedious and mind numbing (and also difficult, if you haven't worked on your website in say, 5 months). I was just looking at my code like: "...i wrote this?". I had to resort to reading my update from July of last year where I tooted my own horn to even begin to remember what I had done. So. Skills. You learn 'em, you forget 'em, you come back to em once a year and remember how cool it was when you could do that. I like my site as more of a static thing. I've never been highly creative, and so it was more of a crank it out and add things when my fancy is struck. Thanks for reading, my one (1) loyal dedicated follower.
24/08/2024: Wild that it took me a whole month to get my shit together with that fake jerma pop up. Started school again, so you know what that means: starting coding again if I am bored in class. I really am unsure what the hell I am going to do with this website besides randomly appear and add something once a year. Either way, it exists, and that is what matters.
24/07/2024: Sorry, what's that? I managed to learn enough about flexboxes that I both gave myself a headache AND nested them within each other? Come on now, this is really cool. See, the green header right above this with the visitor count? It's in the same flexbox as what you're reading right now. "updates-wrapper" is a simple div with a set height and width, and it flexes as a column with default content alignment. Inside, it has two child divs: the header is left to do its own thing, and the "updates" div that ALSO has a set height. The set height, combined with the overflow: auto property allows both the header and the updates paragraphs to be aligned without making the header scroll along as part of the content. The wrapper, of course, also functions as the child div of my "main-nested" flexbox, so now I can tell it how to space itself with my list of maybes. This has been a huge week of progress, and as always I am ridiculously proud of myself.
23/07/24: Some fun new updates added today: new and functioning about page, edited my link formatting so now my links are all caps and turn green on hover (how fun)! Additionally, I have a not found page now, very simple but honestly it doesn't need to be complex. I'm really happy that I'm #oldskool (maybe?) and prefer to save things on my computer then upload them here instead of referencing links. Idk if I should add my fonts to my about page but maybe I will? I also want to have a "theoretically in development" section on my home page where I can just plop all the things I want to do. This wasn't really a beefy update, but my recording of the events is. Oh well!
22/07/2024: 3 months later and in the course of 2 days I managed to fix my terrible gridding, fix my draggables, enable my grid layout on all my pages, and create a cool scrollbar for my updates! I'm really really excited to finally have a website that functions decently on web, and one that I'm proud of. Next up: creating a comprehensive "about" page, adding more decoration, and making sure that I credit people for parts of this code. While a lot of it was done entirely by me, most of the fancy stuff is all others.
18/04/2024: I'm getting so busy with finals that I want to update my website. Just writing this to say that the "What I Ate Today" page is no longer here because I didn't want it any more.
28/03/2024: How has it already been more than half a year since I've updated this site? I'm really bored in chemistry right now so I think I'm just going to do a few general updates.
04/08/23: Figured out how to make my pages scroll! Flexboxes save the day. "My Badges and Blinkies" tab is accounted for, but I want to make some changes on the "What I Ate Today" tab, so please hold. Considering adding a guestbook? Unsure. Oh, right - all blinkies and badges displayed on my site have their sources listed. I have a huge backlog of tumblr posts I reblogged and I'm now slowly adding them to the page. I'm toying with the idea of creating tabs that sort blinkies by what post/site I got them from, but that seems like a lot of work...better to get them all up first and make changes later. Yes.
01/08/23: "My Badges and Blinkies" tab is now up and running.
31/07/23: The navigation tabs "Home", "What I Ate Today" and "Blog" are now functioning. Added "My Badges and Blinkies" tab.
30/07/23: This site was created on July 30th, 2023.
a list of maybes
jerma fake pop-up- jerma shrine
- garfield shrine
- some sort of marquee thing because i love moving parts
- my very own site button
- something musical
- more quick links